What is Cardio?

Cardio comes from the Greek word, kardia, which means heart. When you’re doing cardio you are developing the heart muscle and improving the health of your heart. Developing good cardiovascular conditioning is hard. But the benefits for the body are endless and worth every moment you spend developing this energy system.

What is cardio training?

Cardio training is a good measure of your heart’s ability to pump oxygen rich blood to your working muscles all over your body. Cardiovascular exercise is when you do continuous exercise at a constant level of low to moderate intensity for a minimum of 30 minutes or longer.

The reason you want to become more proficient in cardiovascular training is because the more oxygen you supply to the working muscles with each contraction of the heart, the harder, faster, and longer you can perform. It has been said that the player or team that is in the best physical shape and has the greatest endurance, will outperform their opponent. If you want to reach your maximum physical potential, then put cardio on the top of your list for training.

What is cardio training?

Walking, jogging, jump rope, cycling, rowing, swimming, just to name a few. If you go for a 30 minute run you want to be able to sustain a pace where you can comfortably hold a conversation and breathe through your nose. If you’re training in your sport then you want to increase your cardio specific to that sport. If you’re an ice hockey player then you want to add lots of time skating on the ice and in-line skating. The more time on task for your sport the better chances that you will be in top cardio condition. Focus on at least 4x a week for 30 minutes plus to start.

Amy Anci